1st Quarter Investor Meeting | Dinner Session | Thursday, January 30 | 6:00 PM

Free Quarterly Investor Workshop for our clients and open to the public.

When: Thursday, January 30 | Evening Session

Where: Our Office, 12550 SE 93rd Ave. Suite 340 Clackamas, OR 97015

Doors open at 6:00 PM

Dinner provided

Class Presentation begins at noon  | 75-90 minute session

Topic: Traditional Index Investing vs. Structured Market Approach

  • If you have Matson Money in your portfolio, you are invested in structured funds.
  • How is a Structured fund different than an Index Fund?
  • How is a portfolio built with Structured funds different than a portfolio built with Index Funds?
  • Understand how your portfolio is constructed and what happens inside a Structured portfolio during market volatility.

Registration Required

RSVP by 06:00PM on January 21, 2025.
