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Do Your Kids Know The Value of a Silver Spoon?

You taught them how to read and how to ride a bike, but have you taught your children how to…

The Sandwich Generation: Juggling Family Responsibilities

At a time when your career is reaching a peak and you are looking ahead to your own retirement, you…

Term vs. Permanent Life Insurance

According to industry experts, most people don’t have enough life insurance. LIMRA, which keeps close tabs on the industry, recently…

Planning for the Expected

You can plan ahead to protect yourself and your family against the financial consequences of deteriorating health.

Life and Death of a Twenty Dollar Bill

How long does a $20 bill last?

Certain Uncertainties in Retirement

The uncertainties we face in retirement can erode our sense of confidence, potentially undermining our outlook during those years. Indeed,…

Why Does the Stock Market Drop When the Fed Raises Rates?

There’s a great deal of conversation happening now about the Federal Reserve’s intention to raise interest rates. If you’ve heard…

Eight Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement

Pursuing your retirement dreams is challenging enough without making some common, and very avoidable, mistakes. Here are eight big mistakes…

Healthcare Costs in Retirement

American workers are split about 50/50 when asked if they are confident they will have enough money to pay for…

Stop Wasting Money

Benjamin once said, “a penny saved is a penny earned.” The modern upgrade to that observation might be that $100 not…

Can Group, Private Disability Policies Work Together?

According to the Social Security Administration, a 20-year-old has a 25% chance of becoming disabled before reaching age 67. Loss…

Orchestrating Your Retirement Accounts

An orchestra is merely a collection of instruments, each of which brings a unique sound. It is only when a…