Parents spend their entire lives planning for their children’s future but, as goes the circle of life, there comes a point when that responsibility starts to shift. Many children take on the role of caretaker for their parents. They do all the things that their parents once did for them: drive them to the store, make them their meals, and so on. Well remember when you were a kid and your parents gave you an allowance, or only let you spend a certain amount of money at the store? They were, in a small way, helping protect your finances and now, one of the most important aspects of becoming involved in your parents’ lives is helping them managing their finances. Of course your parents might not take well to you handling their allowances or expenditures, but it’s important that you get involved early and often in your parents financial planning.
More and more children are finding themselves either completely or partially financially responsible for their parents in their retirement. In some cases, that situation is unavoidable, but there is a way to make sure your parents have financial stability as they age and make that transition from supported to supporter easier on you and them. The main thing is to discuss the issue early. It’s easier to plan for your parent’s financial future if you’re not planning out your own retirement at the same time. Talk about it early, and talk about it often.
Some parents try to avoid discussing their personal finances with their kids, so it could be helpful to start the discussion by asking your parents for advice on your finances. That gives you a window into the decisions they have made, and allows you to give them bits of advice you think they would find useful, without hurting any egos. Once that window is open, there are a five different pieces of information you need to discuss about your parent’s financial situation and plans.
1. Important documents – All parents have their super clever secret hiding spots where they keep all their important files and documents and it’s important that you know where they are and it might also be helpful to write it down and keep it in your secret hiding spot and be sure to ask your parents to update you if they find a new “best” spot. These include things like their will and living-will, life insurance policies, information on their financial accounts, financial power of attorney and more. Knowing where these are kept is critical because a) you know your parents actually have the documents and b) you know where they are in the case of an emergency.
2. Long-term care insurance – It can seem like an uncomfortable subject, but the earlier you talk to your parents about their long term care, the less expensive it will be for both them and you. Like any insurance, long-term care insurance is cheaper if you buy it when you’re younger and healthier. Even with parents as young as 50-years-old, planning for the financial strain that long-term care can present is a conversation worth having.
3. Social Security Planning – Social Security is blanket that covers a lot of people in their retirement plans, but it’s important for your parents to determine when they should be tucked in. The point at which a person should begin to collect Social Security benefits depends on a few details, details which you should ask your parents about. It’s important that you ask how much they have saved in various contribution plans such as a 401(k) or IRA. Also, find out how much they can expect to receive from a possible pension. The funds available to them in these accounts can drastically affect the point at which they should apply for Social Security benefits.
4. Investment Legitimacy – We have all had that sweet old aunt who proudly told everyone how she received that letter in the mail informing her that she won the jackpot in some sweepstakes and will receive the prize money just as soon as she sends in her bank account information. This is obviously a drastic example, but it’s important that you ask your parents about their investments that they have made and ensure that they aren’t involved in anything risky. Older individuals are often targeted by scammers, so it’s an important conversation to have. Even investments that are legitimate may involve too much risk to be worthwhile for them.
5. Plan for their plans – Trends have shifted to the point where the majority of young people expect to care for their elderly parents in the future. In order to plan for this care it’s important to know their plans. Ask them when they expect to retire, where they plan to live, and how much money they have saved. These answers will allow you to better prepare your finances in way to give them the support they may need.
When it comes to your parents future there is a lot to discuss, and in order to get to all if it, you need to start the conversation early and revisit it often. It may not be easy or fun, but your parents probably had a struggle or two with you back in the day trying to get you to comply with their conversations. It’s the circle of life, and embracing your new role to clear up the essentials now can save your parents, and you, a lot of money later.
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