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Debt Stress

The average American household with debt owes $132,158. And credit card debt accounts for $15,675 of that. 1 Little wonder…

Dog bites neighbor, now what?

Even dogs have bad days. So, what happens when your dog bites a neighbor or passing pedestrian?

A Look at Diversification

Diversification is an investment principle designed to manage risk, but it can’t prevent against a loss. Ancient Chinese merchants are…

5 Things That Seasoned Travelers Are Doing (That You’re Not)

A collection of tips from professional travelers.

4 Reasons for the Return of Market Volatility

Why have the markets been so volatile recently?

5 Benefits of Working in Retirement

Here are 5 reason why you may consider working through retirement.

When heirs are imperfect

The money problems or bad lifestyle habits of adult children could lead to the squandering of any inheritance they receive.

An Overview of Renter’s Insurance

Don’t overlook the need for renter’s insurance if you rent your home.

Eight Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement

There are common mistakes you can avoid when saving for retirement.

Understanding Long-Term Care

Understanding the types of long-term-care services—and what those services could cost—may be critical.

Choices for Your 401(k) at a Former Employer

Individuals have three basic choices with the 401(k) account they accrued at a previous employer.

Strategies For Managing Student Loan Debt

Five strategies for managing your student debt.