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A Quick Primer on Important Estate Documents

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Eating the Estate Planning Elephant… One Bite at a Time, Part II

You may have been cohabitating with your proverbial estate planning elephant for some time now, but if the first part…

Eating the Estate Planning Elephant… One Bite at a Time, Part I

No one wants to look at it, no one even wants to think about it, yet there it looms —…

How to Plan Your Estate as a Cohabitating Couple

Estate planning can seem like a long, uphill battle to a land that is optimistically distant.  No one likes to…

A Brief History of Estate Taxes

Federal estate taxes have long since been a lucrative source of funding for the federal government.

Problems with Probate

Many people have heard they should avoid probate, but few understand what probate is and how the process works. What…

Considerations when Choosing Your Executor

While no one would likely characterize drafting a will as an exciting task, it certainly is an essential one. After…

Estate Planning: Who Takes Care of Your Pet when You Can’t?

Fido or Kitty has been your constant companion for years. He’s been there to share your triumphs and comforted you…

How to Start Planning for Retirement

Retirement Planning is one of those things that everyone knows they should do, but many fall short in the taking…

Steps to Prevent and Avoid Fights Over Estates

A death in the family is traumatic and stressful, and something which all affected must come to terms with in…

Who should be the executor of your estate?

When it comes to estate planning, choosing an executor is one of the most important roles to delegate. Basically, their…

Considerations When Choosing Your Executor

While no one would likely characterize drafting a will as an exciting task, it certainly is an essential one. After…

How changes in Bypass Trusts and Portability Rules could affect your Federal Estate Tax and Planning

While something of a ‘wait and see’ game, the portability rules governing a spouse’s unused estate tax exemption signed into…